muse: verb \myüz\ 1: to become absorbed in thought; especially : to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively 2: archaic : wonder, marvel: to think or say reflectively
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
LOST: One Serving Fork
Saturday, August 25, 2007
New Seasons
I wrote this in my journal yesterday and thought I'd share with some pictures. Have a blessed weekend!
8:15 am I was just sitting in the kitchen and noticed that there are tiny new leaves growing on the redbud tree where the red-humped caterpillars devoured the old leaves. (There were hundreds of them!!! So gross...)
Already new growth is pushing out, apparently determined and undaunted by what appeared so devastating.
It's encouraging to me. Even right now when I feel so blah about my spiritual life, I know that my relationship with God is secure and this is just a season. It's good to be hungry for God again. It's good to know He is changing my life again and that He knows what He's doing. "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise." Isa. 43:18-21 I know God is recreating me to be a praise-er, And I know I can praise Him in this season because I have no reason not to. He is still Who He has always been and I am who I am in Him regardless of how I feel. I will keep searching and resting in the security of knowing He will not let me go and that someday the little leaves that are starting to shoot out from the barren little branches in my heart will be bigger and more beautiful than even before. SO I WILL PRAISE HIM NO MATTER WHAT because even when I don't know what to pray, I can still praise Him.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sweet & Sour Grapes
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A Bit Mixed Up
I knew this was going to happen. I feel sort of as if my life/routines are puzzle pieces that I had gotten into a nice picture and now the whole thing got dropped on the floor or somehow has been all mixed up and when I put the pieces back together this time it's going to make a different picture, so I can't just try to put them back where they were. How/where I'm serving at church right now is changing, our house is (hopefully) changing soon, our adoption process is in transition (from work, work, work, to wait, wait, wait). It's happening to my spiritual life right now, too. Everything feels out of place and unsettledmy journaling, my prayer time, Bible study, worship, intercession Even stuff as simple as when to take a shower isn't the same as it was a week ago or last year. But I know that if I give things time, we'll settle into a new routine.
I have to be patient.
I am so thankful that it's really only the details that are changing. The foundational pieces of my life are still the same: my family and my God. And as long as God doesn't change, I know I'll be alright. J
Monday, August 20, 2007
Things Toby and I learned while Mik was at school today
Sunday, August 19, 2007
It's the End of the World as We Know It...
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Talk about Wild!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Fruity Update
Adoption Update
Monday, August 13, 2007
(FYI... the "Bill" I'm talking about here is our neighbor who is a professional musician with a connection in Nashville. Bill wants to hear "my tunes" (as he calls them) one of these days and has told me that he'll send my stuff to his guy out there if I want--even though he hasn't heard any of them yet.) Anyway, here's what I wrote. And now I'm off to bed. Ciao!
8.13.2007 10:10pm
I'm waiting for Lowell to come home from a Ranchwood HOA Board meeting and was just enjoying a few moments of peaceful, quiet contentment when my thoughts turned to turning 35 soon. I was thinking about how You, Jesus, accomplished so much in your 33 years here. You fed thousands, You healed and taught and established a church that has stood the test of time like no other, and been tested like no other. All history and time on earth is defined by YOU and those simple 33 years. I started to think about how bold and fearless You were, but realized that You weren't completely fearless. But You didn't ever, EVER, let Your fear stop You from doing what God told/called You to do. You must have at times been afraid, because You were human, and You were tested in every way, yet every time You obeyed the countless commands to FEAR NOT. Help me, Jesus, to push past my fears every day. To obey You whatever the cost.
What am I afraid of right now? Sharing my songs with people? With Bill? Lord, open my eyes to see the truth about what my music is for. Help me to know how to be faithful with it. I don't want what You've given me taken away because I buried it in the ground. Help me to be brave and to believe in Your ability to use me even though there are thousands of songwriters in the world. You have done mighty things for me, Lord, and I DO want to tell as many people as I can about You and who You are and about Your truth and freedom. Don't let me listen to the enemy's lies telling me that my stuff isn't so great or unique or special or that Bill's company/friends don't have the right connections or whatever. Lead the way Lord. I want to follow You. Fearlessly.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
On a More Positive Note...
Next we have the state of my almost new bedroom. We just have to clean it out and get some laminate flooring down and we'll be ready to move in. (Yes, I know... it's huge!) It should only take us, oh, another few months at the rate we seem to go. Well, hopefully just a few weeks. Maybe by my birthday!
But it is very, very exciting. And we really need to get in there quick because I keep thinking of stuff to put on the walls (like blown up versions of these pictures I took last week... I'm doing a beach theme)
Lastly, I give you Mikaela's kitchen.
This is actually a workbench that she uses as a desk--or kitchen, or whatever her imagination (or whatever is piled upon it) dictates that day. So a couple days ago she called me in to give me the tour of her new kitchen. It included dishes, cookbooks, food, salt and pepper shakers AND EVEN balsamic vinegar and parmesan cheese. Apparently we've taught her some things well... And though cleaning up is still almost always a BIG challenge, today something miraculous happened. Toby--all by himself, although clearly with Divine inspiration-- discovered that he could pretend his arms were BIG STRONG CRANES! (He was very loud during this process.) And he was looking for stuff to pick up and put away. This is my Toby who normally whines and cries about not being able to clean anything up because it's too hard... I have no idea how long the BIG STRONG CRANES will be around, but I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep them as long as possible because he cleaned up more with them than I've ever seen him clean up with his hands. Ever.
And now I'm going to go help my daughter go to sleep because she keeps thinking about the spider that jumped on her leg today and feeling like it's there again. I'm sure you understand. : )
Friday, August 10, 2007
The Ups and Downs of a Paper Pregnancy
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
So Much to Say! (But then, what's new about that???)
Well, hello my faithful friends!!! Life around here has slowed down a bit. (Sigh. I'm SO glad!) So I thought since it's been (GASP!) almost a week since I added anything to my blog it was time! So here I will share with you some pictures (worth several thousand words you should be grateful you don't have to read) of our camping trip to Morro Bay, CA where we spent several days playing, laughing and getting sunburned even though it was overcast for all but maybe 15 minutes.
This first one is MOST of the group we were with. It's missing one family (who didn't come with us to the museum) and one crying child (Caleb Parra) who refused to be in the picture. I don't have any pictures of the Ebury family, but I do have pictures of the crying child when he was playing with Toby at a different time with our fabulously stylish tent trailer in the background. : ) Dontcha just love it??? (And Carlos, your picture is officially on the internet on somebody's blog.)
Here is a picture of Lowell at the beach with his girls. They didn't pose this way for the picture. They were already sitting on him when I got there. : )
This is Mikaela and Toby with their adorable cousin Caleb who lives in San Luis Obispo (not to be confused with Caleb Parra who is missing from the group picture above). Caleb brought his parents (Lowell's brother Matt and Matt's wife Anne-Therese) to Toby's party because he'd never gotten to hit a pinata before.
We took care of that.
And last but not least... THIS is Toby's cake!!! And Toby, of course. It was his birthday we were celebrating after all. : )
So there you have it. 6000 words worth of pictures and only a few hundred to read. I call that a bargain! I wish I had video of the ROARING (thanks, Duane) campfire and the singing we got to do the last night. It was so sweet. But we were all too busy enjoying ourselves to take any pictures, so (unless you were there) you'll just have to join us next year and experience it for yourself, okay???