Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sweet, Sweet Spring!

Well, I think it was almost 2 weeks ago now that I took this picture, but I had to share it with you all! Mikaela had a day off from school and the weather was BEAUTIFUL (I am SO glad I live in the middle of California... I'll take the relentlessly hot summers as long as I get mild, short winters anytime!!!) (Remind me of that in July when it's 110 degrees, please!)
Anyway, Mikaela and Toby played outside for 7 HOURS STRAIGHT that day. I don't know if they've ever done that before. I guess they had spent enough time in the house over the last few months and were making up for it. By the end of the day, they had made enough mud to cover the slide (on the left there) and they were sliding down their nice little mud-slide. So creative, I know.
(And by the way, in case you're jealous of our weather, Spring was very short and we're back to Winter & rain. I really hope we don't go straight from here to summer, regardless of what I said just a few sentences ago!)
And though I don't have much time, I also wanted to tell you about my incredibly sweet husband and Valentine's Day and the singing card he made me open in the middle of Black Angus, but unless you understand the words to "Besame Mucho" you probably won't understand. : ) But I love him so much... even if I don't blog about him all the time. I wouldn't be where or who I am without him and God knew that when he put us together.
I love my family! Can't believe next month we might get to see the face of our missing member!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I do understand the words, "Besame Mucho", and I can totally imagine your hubby getting you that card :)

    I also want to say you're incredible for letting your kids revel in the mud like that. By next spring you just might have a trio enjoying the mud.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart with me.