Friday, April 22, 2011

By His Wounds I am Healed

Everywhere I look today I am reminded of what Jesus did on the cross for me.
 And I have nothing to say except THANK YOU...  
 With my mouth...
 With my heart...
 With my song...
 With my life...
 Thank You, Lord, for laying down yours in exchange for mine.
 "But He was pierced for [my] transgressions, He was crushed for [my] iniquities;
the punishment that brought [me] peace was on Him
and by His wounds [I am] healed."  Isaiah 53:5

Day 40


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    You have and continue to make your father proud. Love you much, Dad

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    You have and continue to make your father proud. Love you much, Dad


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart with me.