Thursday, April 11, 2013


My first 5 Minute Friday post in a while.  (And it's not Friday here yet, no, but it will be by the time my head hits the pillow in a little while. So here goes anyway!)


I almost don't want to intrude on the thoughts, feelings, peace, gratitude that well up right now when I think of that word. I am here. And I'm good with that. (Grin.) You don't know that it's significant, but I do. You don't know that I have wrestled so much - not with where I am, but with just ME. (Or maybe you're one of the ones that does...) :)  But for the moment - for today - for tonight - I'm at peace.

He's at work. There's no doubt about it. This peace is not from inside me, except for it being from the Spirit inside of me. So thanks, Lord. I know tomorrow is coming - with hormonal insanity and three kids and me and a couple of cans of paint and a new closet thing with its 248 pieces and they call those instructions?... But for tonight there is the God of peace. And He will be with me tomorrow, too.

5 Minute Friday at


  1. We are neighbors over at Lisa-Jo's today... so glad I stopped by! If only I was close enough (in)rl... I'd help you paint... the instructions for the closet thing? Well - you won't want me to help with THAT!

    He is amazing when He pours out peace that surpasses all understanding! Glad it is pouring over you now!

    Welcome (back) to FMF!

  2. Glad you are here.

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Soooooooo. How was your day today? :-) (and yes, like you, so grateful for the peace of God we have inside us. Thanks Holy Spirit.

  4. I miss you Melissa, but am so thankful for the journey that He has taken you on! You have been an amazing encouragement to me as we walked very similar yet very different paths toward the heart of God and His will for our lives. You are still on my frig and I pray for you guys. I love the pictures via facebook and the stories of all that God is doing in your lives! He is so faithful and seeing all that He continues to do in your life constantly reminds me of His goodness! Blessings to you as you get settled in your new home! Love, Rachael


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart with me.