Saturday, February 23, 2008

Please Pray for Me!

I haven't posted much lately because I've been busy being self-controlled (grin!) and also getting ready for our church's women's retreat next weekend (Feb 29-Mar 2). Like I've mentioned, I'm speaking the first night about God's love and I'm leading worship for the rest of the weekend. The other girls and I who are speaking have all been feeling like God REALLY has big plans for us all at this retreat AND that the enemy REALLY doesn't want any of it to happen. So if you wouldn't mind praying for me, Annette, Monica, Kathy, Gina & Jamie as we finish preparing this week, we would be so incredibly grateful. I probably won't post anything again before then, but you can be sure you will get a report when I get back!!!!! Yay God!!! ~Melissa


  1. Saw your request for prayer on Leigh's blog and just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you and the team and the event. We just finished our big event yesterday and the Holy Spirit showed up in awesome ways. We had 233 ladies in attendance!!

    Know that I will be praying for the Spirit's anointing on you and the other speakers and musicians. I will pray for Satan to be bound and Christ to be glorified.


  2. I know the momentum is building and ya'll are so excited. That is how we were this time last week. I am so praying for a mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among your ladies. You are on God's mission as you prepare for this event and you never know who God will bring to the event who is secretly hurting inside. You also never know how He will use those of you who are planning and preparing to touch hurting ladies. Keep your eyes open for ways to bless ladies who attend. There will be plenty of opportunities--you just have to look with kingdom eyes.


  3. Praying for Jesus to show up in a big way during your women's retreat this weekend! Praying for all the women who will be there to be refreshed and thouched by a fresh wave of the Spirit. May the Lord bless you ten fold as you serve these ladies!

    blessings, mariel


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and heart with me.